The most common mistakes in teen skincare


Whether it’s social media or word of mouth, the skincare world can be such a minefield. When it comes to keeping your skin happy, healthy and balanced, we’ve put together some common skincare mistakes and how you can rectify them:

Using makeup wipes – it might seem easy at a sleepover or after school, but a classic, basic makeup wipe doesn’t have all the good skincare ingredients your skin needs. They can dehydrate and even strip the skin.

Opt for cleansers, micellar water or a light face wash and rinse with warm water or a damp face cloth (or our Cleansing Pads).

10-step skincare routines – there is absolutely no need for complicated skincare routines for teen skin. The more complicated they are, the more likely they are to cause an imbalance. Keep it simple: in the AM – cleanser, tonic (if you need), moisturiser, then SPF. Then in the PM, the same again, just without the SPF. It’s as easy as that!

Using harsh products like retinol/vitamin c – this is a big no no. Teens should avoid such harsh ingredients, as they are designed for much more mature skin. You have youthful, collagen-rich skin already – you don’t need these ingredients until your late 20s.

Read more about ingredients to avoid here.

Over-exfoliating during breakouts – there is definitely a place for light exfoliation for blemish-prone, oily or combination teen skin types, just don’t overdo it. Overuse of scrubs or strong acid exfoliants can strip your skin of its natural oils, making it more likely to breakout.

Instead, look for cleansers with fruit extracts and start by using a couple of times a week, and see how your skin reacts.

Sleeping in makeup – this is never a good idea. Make sure you always cleanse and moisturise your skin before bed, to give it the best chance to regenerate overnight, so you wake up feeling fresh and balanced.

Not drinking enough water – you might think this is a dietary thing, but it’s not just your body that benefits from water intake. Your skin loves it too. Hydrated cells = fresh, glowing skin.

Not applying SPF – the younger you start using SPF to protect your skin, the better. SPF isn’t just for holidays or summer days either – it’s an all day, every day step in your skincare routine that you should never skip.