Settling into a new routine in everyday life is hard, let alone a back to school routine. To help you feel less stressed and more balanced, we asked our teen committee to share their rituals that keep them on track before and during the new school year.
Here's what some of them said:
“Get enough sleep during the week” Isla
Sleep is incredibly important for concentration, energy and even keeping your skin looking and feeling balanced. You should get at least 8 hours, so you're at your best for school each day. It also helps you to retain information - if you sleep better, you'll store more of what you revised the day before!
“Do a big room/wardrobe clear out and LOTS of To Do lists!” Sophie
Tidy room, tidy mind. Doing a clear out can be really helpful to make space for all the new experiences to come. If you feel overwhelmed with workload or things you need to do, make a list in a notebook or on your phone. You'll feel a sense of achievement each time you tick something off!
“Clean my room, have an everything shower, get my bag and
uniform ready” Alana
Feeling organised is all in the prep! If you prepare everything from your school bag to your skincare ahead of time, you’ll feel much more in control and ready to face the term as your best self.
“Doing my homework as soon as it’s set and revising for tests way in advance” Bessie
At home, whether you’re revising or doing homework, manage your time into chunks. Challenge yourself to see how many questions you can answer, or pages/ cue cards you can memorise in that time. Then take five to get a snack, listen to music or grab some water.
“Getting up early and working out before school” Amelia
In the mornings, if you have time, take a moment to move your body. You might have sports in the schedule at school, but even just 10 minutes of stretching will get your mind in a good place for the day.
“Set goals and targets for the school year, then slowly tick them off to allow you to stay motivated and on track” Maisy
Listing out your goals for the year sets the manifestations in motion and helps with focus. That doesn’t mean that you can’t change your mind, though – everything is fluid and there’s nothing wrong with a change in direction.