What does sustainability mean?

In general, sustainability refers to making choices that aim to minimize their impact on the planet and its resources. It's about a balance between using what we have responsibly, reducing waste, and protecting the environment.

Within the beauty industry, there are a lot of factors to consider.

At indu, we’re committed to making positive change and reducing our impact as much as possible.

Most of our products have packaging that’s at least one, if not all of these things: recyclable, made from recycled materials and refillable.

Ingredients: where possible, we try and use ingredients that are upcycled, so they come from the waste of other industries (like the grape seed oil in our Universal range for example, which comes from the wine industry).

We are also looking to use more ingredients from biotech sources, which means they would reproduce an ingredient found in nature, without exploiting the natural resources.

Formulations: within our formulas, we aim to ONLY use ingredients that will have a function within the final product – no unnecessary ingredients are used, minimizing the impact on the planet, but also your purse.

Product use: we encourage to use ONLY the products you need and in a responsible way.

Transport: where possible, we aim to minimize our shipments by air to reduce our carbon print.

On top of these, we are vegan and cruelty free, so we do not source ingredients from animal sources and, as per EU regulations, we would never test our products on animals.

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