We know that acne-prone skin can be very frustrating and upsetting.
With all the hormonal changes in teenage years, you’re very likely to have skin ups and downs. We’ve put together an easy checklist of quick changes to make and follow, to look after your skin.
Above all else, this list will help you to prevent the buildup of impurities, excess oil and dirt in your skin, that generally can create the ideal environment for blemishes, breakouts and acne.
Wash your bedding regularly – especially pillowcases. In those 8 hours of sleep a night (at least), your pillows can become a home for bacteria, sweat, dead skin (all the nice things) – so make sure that you’re washing them at least once a week.
Watch your sun/ UV exposure – of course, sunshine is helpful to keep your skin happy, but too much sun exposure can have the opposite effect. Don’t forget to always finish your skincare routine with a good SPF (preferably SPF50).
Cleanse your skin every night – whether you wear makeup throughout the day or not, cleansing each evening (double if possible) helps to keep your skin free from impurities that can lead to clogged pores.
Use non-comedogenic products – especially for makeup, this means that it’s formulated to not clog your pores, therefore lessening the chance of breakouts. That’s why all of our products are formulated to be non-comedogenic.
Keep your skin hydrated – whether that’s with a hydrating tonic, moisturiser or mask, it’s important to keep your skin barrier full of moisture, balanced and protected. Make sure you are also drinking enough water too!
Clean your phone – that screen that you’re watching every single day harbours a lot of bacteria. And you put it against your face to make calls! Try to give it a thorough clean with an anti-bacterial wipe every few days.