Should I use a flannel?

When it comes to cleansing, you can definitely get away with the basics: your cleanser, water, and your hands.

But many people prefer (and many experts suggest) to use a cloth or flannel to take your cleansing to the next level.

Flannels are great for a thorough cleanse, as they can help to more effectively remove makeup and any leftover residue of the cleanser itself , especially anything oil based.

Here’s how it works:

1. Soak your flannel in lukewarm water, then ring it out so it’s damp.
2. Next, go ahead and wipe it gently in a circular motion around your face and eyes to remove everything.
3. Repeat this if you’re double cleansing (we love).
4. Finish with a final rinse of the skin and pat dry before applying any product.

Top tip: use a freshly washed flannel every day. Re-using an old one could mean you’re rubbing dirt and bacteria that’s nestled there straight back onto your face (ew). Also, when it comes to flannels, sharing is not caring.

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